Canadian Businesses and Professionals for over 15 years
Mega-directory of U.S./Canada International Experts-U.S.
Trade Center Directory
this page into a double-sided digest size booklet. Give to other decision
makers in your company or to your prospective employer. Link will take you to
an independent Website for a software
download. (10
minutes at 14.4k)
Return to the top of this page
The Law Office of Joseph C. Grasmick, Business
Immigration is pleased to host the U.S. Trade Center on this Web site. This
page contains the Center's comprehensive directory of professionals in many
disciplines. The Trade Center selects these professionals based on their
ability to assist Canadians exporting to, or doing business with, the United
States. It is the most comprehensive directory on the topic available anywhere.
We include this information on our site, since it
should be of use to our readers: Canadian companies sending employees to the
U.S., and U.S. companies hiring Canadians.
If you contact people on this list, kindly let them know you heard about
them from "Grasmick's Web Site and the U.S. Trade Directory."
Also review Joseph Grasmick's Rolodex®---a
similar directory of Canada-U.S. resources. Sites that
Cite our Site could also have the reference you are looking for. Follow the
links at the home page for information about Canada
to U.S. business immigration.
We also invite you to read our explanation of
why most Canada/U.S. business expertise is in Southern Ontario and Western New
Return to the top of this page
U.S. Trade Center DIRECTORY Buffalo Region-95/96 Edition
PUBLISHED BY U.S. TRADE CENTER, INC. Olympic Towers, Suite 200 300
Pearl Street
Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: 800-U.S.TRADE/716-842-3030 Fax:
800-U.S.TRADE/716-842-4575 Internet Address:
Return to the top of this page
The primary objective of the directory is to provide information about the
capabilities, scope and size of a select group of Western New York professionals
who assist international firms in becoming more successful exporting to the
United States. Each of the professionals chosen in the guide possesses a vast
knowledge of cross border issues.
Begin In Western New York
Western New York warmly welcomes Canadian trade. We understand that if our
Canadian friends do well, Western New York will also benefit. In light of this,
U.S. Trade Center has coordinated the efforts of other Western New
York firms to work together - not only in welcoming our Canadian friends, but
in assisting them to prosper.
Our First Step is to provide Canadian firms with this resource guide. This
guide identifies local experts who want to help. And to facilitate contact,
we've included an Easy Fax Request Form allowing you to obtain valuable
information for free. We hope our guide will prove to be a valuable resource
for firms interested in expanding into the United States.
How to Use This Directory
Each professional listed can be contacted directly, or you may choose to
receive publications on the subject free of charge, by contacting the U.S.
Trade Center. Simply e-mail,
call, fax or write to us and we will send you the publication you request.
Please furnish your name, snail mail address and fax number.
If you would like a Western New York professional to contact you directly,
simply contact the U.S. Trade Center. We will notify the professional
that you would like a call or literature sent to you.
Return to the top of this page
U.S. Trade Center ustrade@buffnet.net
is committed to assisting international companies in becoming successful
exporters to the United States.
The trade center is comprised of a network of Western New York business
professionals who assist in U.S. Customs, law, taxes, immigration, banking,
freight forwarding, and marketing services.
All of the export programs and publications are free of charge and we
encourage new exporters to take advantage of the U.S. Trade Center
services. The following is a list of services and publications currently offered
at the U.S. Trade Center.
Trade Publications Available
Written by trade professionals, our publications are designed to answer
basic exporting issues before your company markets its product or service in the
United States. All of the publications are FREE Simply Mail, Fax or Phone
the U.S. Trade Center and we will send you the publication you request.
Please furnish your name, snail mail address and fax number. The following
list is currently available.
- Finding U.S. Sales Representatives
- Establishing A U.S. Corporation
- Tax Advice for Exporting To The U.S.
- Clearing Goods Through U.S. Customs
- Getting Paid and Financed in the U.S.
- U.S. Strategic Alliances
- Finding U.S. Customers Though Direct Mail
- U.S. Immigration Law
- U.S. Address: Making the Border Transparent
- U.S. Trade Center Directory
Where Your U.S. Customers Are Located ORDER # 200
If you are interested in how large your market is in the United States, we
will send you a detailed report of how many prospects for your company product
or service are located in The United States and the number in each state.
Meet the Export Professionals One-On-One ORDER # 201ustrade@buffnet.net
U.S. Trade Center ustrade@buffnet.net
will arrange a one-day session with eight professional firms in Buffalo, New
York to review your exporting plan. A 30 minute meeting with each of the
- Customs Brokers
- Freight Forwarders
- Attorneys
- Bankers
- Accountants
- Warehousers
- Marketing Research Companies
- Marketing Specialists
Exporting To The U.S. Seminars ORDER FREE # 202
U.S. Trade Center will provide trade associations a list of export
professionals who are available to speak on various topics about cross border
issues at your exporting seminars.
Dean Rockwell Executive Director U.S. Trade
Center Olympic Towers, Suite 200 300 Pearl Street Buffalo,
New York 14202 Tel : 1-800-U.S. TRADE/716-842-3030 Fax : 1-800-
842-4575/716-842-4575 Internet Address: ustrade@buffnet.net
Return to the top of this page
Trade Publications Available ORDER FREE # 203
Tax Advice For Exporting To The U.S. - This publication provides tax
advice for Foreign Companies doing business in the U.S. Proper tax planning and compliance is imperative to maximizing
success in exporting.
Robert A. Kriner, CPA ORDER # 204
ustrade@buffnet.net Partner
Gaines Metzer Kriner & Company LLP Hilton at the Waterfront
120 Church Street Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel : 716- 842-6600
Fax : 716-842-6639
James Sachs ORDER # 205 ustrade@buffnet.net Partner Freed
Maxick Sachs & Murphy, PC 800 Liberty Building Buffalo, NY
14202 Tel : 716-847-2651 Fax : 716-847-0069
Stephen F. Jackson ORDER # 206
ustrade@buffnet.net Partner Ernst
& Young 1400 Key Tower 50 Fountain Plaza Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel : 716-843-5000 Fax : 716-847-6949
Stanley J. Abraham ORDER # 207 ustrade@buffnet.net Partner Internatio
nal Tax Service Group 121 Bloor Street East, Suite 808 Toronto,
Ontario M4W 3M5 Tel : 416-927-9887 Fax : 416-924-1379 stan@tax-usa-can.com
Return to the top of this page
Trade Publications Available ORDER # 208
Getting Paid and Financed in The U.S. - This booklet introduces
some of the basic services provided by U.S. banks. This publication is designed
to provide you with useful information to assist you in the process of getting
paid and financed in the United States.
Larry E. Draves ORDER # 209
ustrade@buffnet.net Vice
President Canadian Banking Group M & T Bank One Fountain
Plaza Buffalo, NY 14203-2399 Tel : 716-848-7328 Fax : 716-848-7327
Anthony J. Carroll ORDER # 210
ustrade@buffnet.net Vice President Commercial Banking-Canada
Marine Midland Bank One Marine Midland Center Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel
: 716-841-4224 Fax : 716-855-0384
Dora Kukuliatas Wisniewski ORDER 211
ustrade@buffnet.net Assistant Vice
President Commercial Lending Group Fleet Bank 10 Fountain
Plaza Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel : 716-849-3645 Fax: 716-847-4409
James Engel ORDER # 212 ustrade@buffnet.net Vice
President Key Bank of New York Key Center at Fountain Plaza Buffalo,
NY 14202 Tel: 716-847-2319 Fax: 716-847-7897
Return to the top of this page
Trade Publications Available ORDER # 213
U.S. Trade Center Directory - Provides information about
capabilities, scope and size of a select group of Western New York professionals
who assist international firms in becoming more successful exporting to The
United States. Each of the professionals chosen in the guide possesses vast
knowledge of cross-border issues.
Craig V. Coyne ORDER # 214
ustrade@buffnet.net Business Development Officer
Greater Buffalo Partnership 300 Main Place Tower Buffalo, NY
14202-3797 Tel: 716-852-7100 Fax: 716-852-2761
Lee Meister ORDER # 215 ustrade@buffnet.net Director
of Trade NY State Department of Economic Development 207
Queen's Quary West # 408 ustrade@buffnet.net
Toronto, Ontario M5J 1A7 Tel: 416-203-0351 Fax: 416-868-0669
Luke Rich ORDER # 216 ustrade@buffnet.net
President NYS Department of Economic Development 424 Main Street,
Suite 717 Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: 716-856-8111 Fax: 716-856-1744
P. Christopher Dirr ORDER # 217 ustrade@buffnet.net Director,
The City of Buffalo Commerce Office The Buffalo Enterprise Development
Corp. Suite 452, 300 Pearl Street Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel :
716-842-3020 Fax: 716-842-3025
Return to the top of this page
Services offered by the Trade and Investment Div.
The Canadian Consulate
- provides information on marketing strategies for Upstate New
York,Pennsylvania and the Mid Atlantic Region;
- organizes seminars for Canadian Manufacturers on customs regulations and
procedures; and
- facilitates trade show participation for Canadian exporters
NEBS : New Exporters to Border States- A seminar program explaining
the essentials of exporting to the U.S. and providing practical information and
first-hand exposure to the Upstate New York market.
WIN: World Information Network: Computerized searching for U.S.
representatives and distributors seeking Canadian suppliers of good and
Leo Leduc Consul & Senior Trade Commissioner
Canadian Consulate General One Marine Midland Center, Suite 3000 Buffalo,
NY 14203-2884 Tel: 716-858-9500 Fax: 716-852-4340
Marcia Grove Commercial Officer
- Agricultural, Food Products
- Fisheries, Sea Products
- Consumer Products and Related Apparel and Textile Industries
- Printing Industry
- Sports & Toys
- Lawn, Garden & Parks Equipment
- Packaging, & Paper Industries
- Giftware
- Marine
- Hardware / Housewares
- Cosmetics, Health & Beauty Products
- Furniture
- Educational
Mary Mokka Commercial Officer
- NEBS - New Exporters to Border States
- Robotics / Artificial Intelligence
- Services incidental to Technology
- Telecommunication
- Data Communication
- Satellite Communication
- Broadcasting, including cable TV
- Computer Software
- Computers, Components and Accessories
- Medical and Biotechnology Products
- Healthcare and Social Services
- Pharmaceutical Products
Jay Mileham Commercial Officer
- Agriculture Equipment
- Automotive
- Chemicals
- Defense Products
- Electrical
- Environmental
- Fluid Handling
- Industrial Components
- Instrumentation
- Machining Plating, Stamping, Fabricating
- Mining & Metals
- Oil and Gas
- Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning
- Plant Equipment
- Power Energy Equipment
- Production Machinery
- Transportation
Return to the top of this page
Competitor Intelligence - To determine if you are export ready,
find out about your U.S. competition. How do your competitors market their
products? What is their distribution and service channel? What are their
pricing levels? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
Scott Gilmour ORDER #218 ustrade@buffnet.net
President Gilmour Group Inc. 3840 East Robinson Road
Suite 101 Amherst, NY 14228 Tel: 716-842-2220 Fax:
Lee T Grunert ORDER # 219 ustrade@buffnet.net
President Focused Marketing Associates 94 Candlewood Lane,
Suite 143 Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: 716-689-1949 Fax:
Deborah C. Sawyer ORDER # 220 ustrade@buffnet.net
President Information Plus ( America ) Inc. 300 Pearl Street,
Suite 200 Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel : 716-842-2220 Fax: 716-842-6049
Rhonda Ried ORDER 221 ustrade@buffnet.net President
Cornerstone Research & Marketing Inc. 300 Pearl Street, Suite
200 Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: 716-842-6024 Fax: 716-842-6049
Return to the top of this page
Trade Publications Available ORDER # 221
Clearing Goods Through U.S. Customs - An integral function of
international trade is the ability to quickly clear goods
through U.S. Customs. This publication provides sound advice for accurate
Joseph Carlo ORDER 222 ustrade@buffnet.net Service
PBB USA Inc. 434 Delaware Ave. Buffalo, NY 14202-1592
Tel: 716-886-0360 Fax: 716-886-0454
Carolyn Fischer ORDER # 223
ustrade@buffnet.net Customer Service
Tower Group International Inc. 128 Dearborn Street Buffalo, NY
14207-3198 Tel: 716-874-1227 Ext 331 Fax: 716-874-4396
Joseph Zaffran ORDER # 224 ustrade@buffnet.net District
Trans-Border Customs Services Inc. 656 Elmwood Ave, Suite 200
Buffalo, NY 14222 Tel: 1-800-895-1622 Fax: 716-881-1984
Maureen A. Celmer ORDER # 225
ustrade@buffnet.net Director of Operations
Livingston International Inc. 360 Delaware Ave., Suite 250
Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: 716-847-8871 Fax: 716-847-8920
Return to the top of this page
Trade Publications Available ORDER #226
Finding U.S. Customers Through Direct Mail - This resource guide
provides advice on reaching your customers through direct mail.
Dean Rockwell ORDER # 227
ustrade@buffnet.net President U.S.
Address Inc. Olympic Towers, Suite 200 300 Pearl Street
Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: 716-842-3040 Fax: 716-842-6049
Patrick Whalen ORDER # 228
ustrade@buffnet.net President
FSI 908 Niagara Fall Boulevard North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Tel:
800-288-5329 Fax:716-692-2856
Ronald G. Thomas ORDER # 229
ustrade@buffnet.net Vice
President Response Inc. 300 Pearl Street, Suite 800
Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: 716-857-3861 Fax: 716-856-3863
John L. Manzella ORDER # 230
ustrade@buffnet.net Senior
Consultant Market Source Direct 5684 Main Street Williamsville,
NY 14221 Tel: 716-633-8850 Fax:716-633-0226
Return to the top of this page
Freight Forwarder - can reduce the costs of shipping goods across
the border by as much as 50%. Since consolidation shipments incur a single
customs brokerage charge, that expense can be distributed over twenty or fifty
or one hundred items, instead of just one.
Dean M. Rockwell ORDER # 231
ustrade@buffnet.net President
U.S. Address Inc. Olympic Towers, Suite 200 300 Pearl Street Buffalo,
NY 14202 Tel: 716-842-3040 Fax: 716-842-6049
Doug Smith ORDER # 232 ustrade@buffnet.net
Vice President
Forwarding Services Inc. 908 Niagara Falls Boulevard North
Tonawanda, NY 14120 Tel :800-288-5329 Fax:716-692-2856
Stewart Hauser President
New York Freight Forwarders & Brokers Association 28 Vesey
Street, Suite 2120 New York, NY 10007 Tel: 212-268-6960 Fax:
Return to the top of this page
Trade Publications Available ORDER # 233
Establishing A U.S. Corporation - This publication discusses the
legal structures used to establish a new business enterprise in the United
Thomas E. Schofield ORDER # 234
ustrade@buffnet.net Attorney at
Magavern, Magavern & Grimm, L.L.P. 1100 Rand Building, 14
Lafayette Square Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: 800-366-2603 Fax:
Lauren D. Rachlin ORDER # 235 ustrade@buffnet.netAttorney
at Law
Kavinoky & Cook 207 Queens Quay, West Suite 445 Toronto,
Ontario M5J 1A7 Tel: 416-203-0631 Fax: 416-203-0639
Christopher T. Greene ORDER # 236 ustrade@buffnet.net
Damon & Morey 1000 Cathedral Pl. 298 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14202-4096 Tel: 716-858-3736 Fax: 716-856-5521
James W. Smyton ORDER # 237
ustrade@buffnet.net Partner Phillips, Lytle, Hitchcock, Blaine &
Huber 3400 Marine Midland Center Buffalo, NY 14203-2887 Tel:
716-847-5466 Fax: 716-852-6100
Return to the top of this page
Trade Publications Available ORDER # 238
U.S. Immigration Law - This publication discusses immigration issues
in the United States.
Lance Madden ORDER # 239 ustrade@buffnet.net
Foreign Legal Consultant
Hodgson, Russ, Andrews, Woods & Goodyear 1800 One M & T
Plaza Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: 716-856-4000 Fax: 716-849-0349
Mike Marszalkowski ORDER # 240 ustrade@buffnet.net
Addelman & Marszalkowski 112 Franklin Street Buffalo, NY
14202 Tel: 716-856-4118 Fax: 716-856-6235
Joseph C. Grasmick ORDER #241 ustrade@buffnet.net
Business Immigration U.S. Business Immigration for
Canadian Businesses and Professionals
Law Office of Joseph C. Grasmick Cyclorama Building
369 Franklin Street Suite 300 Buffalo, NY 14202-1725 Tel:
716-842-3104 Fax: 716-842-3105 E-mail
your business immigration question to jgrasmick@grasmick.com
Mike Serotte ORDER # 242
ustrade@buffnet.net Attorney
Serotte Reich Seipp & Kenmore 300
Delaware Ave Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: 716-854-7525 Fax:
716-854-0294 73344.33@compuserve.com
Return to the top of this page
Marketing Consultant - Critical to your exporting succes is
understanding both the customer and the competitive marketplace in the United
States. An effective marketing strategy integrates such functions as product
management, pricing, promotion and distribution.
David Munschauer ORDER # 243
ustrade@buffnet.net President
Sales & Marketing Management 300 Pearl Street Suite 200
Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: 716-842-3037 Fax: 716-842-6049
Rebecca S. Landy ORDER # 244
ustrade@buffnet.net Executive Director
The Center For Industrial Effectiveness State University of New
York at Buffalo Baird Research Park 1576 Sweet Home Road
Amherst, New York 14228-2029 Tel: 716-636-2568 Fax: 716-636-5921
Susan McCartney ORDER #245
ustrade@buffnet.net Director
Small Business Development Center 1300 Elmwood Ave. Bacon Hall
# 117 Buffalo, NY 14222 Tel: 716-878-4030 Fax: 716-878-4067
Return to the top of this page
U.S. Marketing Research- A study of international trade failures
indicates that the majority of mistakes could have been avoided if better
research had been obtained. Primary and secondary research is needed to
properly assess market potential for your product in the United States.
John Gartner ORDER # 246 ustrade@buffnet.net
John Gartner Technical Marketing Consultant 26 Chasewood Lane
East Amherst, NY 14051 Tel: 716-688-7876 Fax: 716-639-0747
Leo Leduc ORDER # 247 ustrade@buffnet.net
Consul & Senior Trade Commissioner
Canadian Consulate General One Marine Midland Center, Suite 3000
Buffalo, NY 14203-2884 Tel: 716-858-9500 Fax: 716-852-4340
Susan R. Adelman ORDER # 248
ustrade@buffnet.net President
National Marketing Associates Inc. 1911 Sheridan Drive
Buffalo, NY 14223 Tel: 800-507-7969 Fax: 716-876-0430
Joyce Davoli ORDER # 249
ustrade@buffnet.net Librarian Business Department
Buffalo and Erie County Public Library Lafayette Square
Buffalo, NY 14204 Tel: 716-846-8900
Return to the top of this page
Western New York Real Estate - There are many incentives that exist
for Canadian firms to locate offices or warehousing facilities in Western New
Sam Gurney ORDER # 250 ustrade@buffnet.net
Vice President
Gurney, Becker & Bourne, Inc. 237 Main Street Buffalo, NY
14203-2279 Tel: 716-849-1234 Fax: 716-849-0407
Camille Kantowski ORDER # 251 ustrade@buffnet.net
Hunt Commercial 403 Main Street, Suite 530 Buffalo, NY 14203
Tel: 716-854-5943 ext. 243 Fax: 716-854-7425
David Rumsey ORDER # 252 ustrade@buffnet.net
Industrial & Commercial Sales
Strovroff & Herman 361 Delaware Ave. Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel: 716-856-7107 Fax: 716-856-7214
Victor A. Martucci ORDER # 253
ustrade@buffnet.net Director of
Business Development
North American Center 2501 Broadway Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: 716-894-4400 Fax: 716-894-4098
Return to the top of this page
Finding U.S. Sales Representatives - This resource guide provides
information to assist in the process of locating and selecting the appropriate
manufacturers' representatives or agents.
Frank Michels ORDER # 255
ustrade@buffnet.net President
The Rep Network 49 Dauphin Drive Williamsville, NY 14221
Tel: 716-636-4140 Fax: 716-689-7339
Kevin Aderman ORDER # 256 ustrade@buffnet.net
Marketing In The U.S.A. 5707 Kippen Road East Amherst, NY
14051 Tel: 716-688-2743
Leo Leduc ORDER # 257
ustrade@buffnet.net Consul &
Senior Trade Commissioner
Canadian Consulate General One Marine Midland Center Suite
3000 Buffalo, NY 14203-2884 Tel: 716-858-9500 Fax: 716-852-4340
Lionel Diaz ORDER # 258 ustrade@buffnet.net
Executive Vice President
Manufacturers' Agents National Association 23016 Mill Creek Road
P.O. Box 3467 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Tel: 714-859-4040 Fax:
Return to the top of this page
U.S. Strategic Alliances - Progressive companies, large and small,
are forming U.S. Strategic partnerships to reduce risk, create new ventures,
and expand markets.
Philip Trask ORDER # 260
ustrade@buffnet.net President
Huntington Corporation 300 Pearl Street Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel:
716-842-3040 Fax: 716-842-6049
Kim Marie McKernan ORDER # 261 ustrade@buffnet.net
Business Development Office
Greater Buffalo Partnership 300 Main Place Tower Buffalo, NY
14202-3797 Tel: 716-852-7100 ext. 472 Fax: 716-852-2761
Frank Michels ORDER # 262 ustrade@buffnet.net
Venture Search Inc. 300 Pearl Street, Suite 200 Buffalo, NY
14202 Tel: 716-842-3030 Fax: 716-842-4575
Return to the top of this page
Christina L. Ponticello ORDER # 263
ustrade@buffnet.net Staff
Canada U.S. Business Association Niagara Chapter 300 Main Place
Tower 300 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: 716-852-2762 Ext.
340 Fax: 716-852-2761
Richard F. Gorko ORDER # 264
ustrade@buffnet.net Director
International Trade Resource Center 345 3rd Street Niagara
Falls, NY 14303 Tel: 716-285-4793 Fax: 716-285-4797
Dr. Roberta A. Dayer ORDER # 265 ustrade@buffnet.net
Executive Director
WNY International Trade Council Inc. 300 Main Place Tower
Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: 716-852-2761 Fax: 716-852-0131
Dr. Wayne O'Sullivan ORDER # 266 ustrade@buffnet.net
Coordinator of International Study International Resource Center At
ECC 121 Ellicott Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel:
716-842-2770 Fax: 716-851-1129
John Russell ORDER # 267 ustrade@buffnet.net
National Trade and Professional Associations of the United States
1212 New York Ave, North West Suite 330 Washington, DC 20005
Tel: 202-898-0662 Fax: 202-898-0775
Return to the top of this page
U.S. Trade Shows - Selection of the apropriate trade shows is
critical to achieve maximum exposure appropriate for your product or service.
Mitchelle R. Baren ORDER # 268 ustrade@buffnet.net
Account Service Executive
Giltspur 1143 Lexington Ave. P.O. Box 60829 Rochester,
NY 14606-0829 Tel: 716-254-2970 Fax: 716-254-3015
Barbra Siskind ORDER # 269
ustrade@buffnet.net Marketing Director
International Training and Management Corp. 16436 Shaw Creek
Terra Cotta, Ontario L0P 1N0 Tel: 519-927-9494 Fax:
Mike Dann ORDER # 270 ustrade@buffnet.net
Account Executive
Hadley Exhibits Inc. 1950 Elmwood Avenue Buffalo, NY
14207-1981 Tel: 716-874-3666 Fax: 716-874-9994
Peter J. Manguelli ORDER # 271 ustrade@buffnet.net
International Exhibitors Association 5501 Backlick Raod, Suite 105
Springfield, VA 22151 Tel: 703-941-3725 Fax: 703-941-8275
Return to the top of this page
U.S. Address Inc. - will establish a U.S. headquarters for your firm
in the United States to let you test or expand your U.S. marketing efforts
without the expense of a long-term lease or on-sight personnel. We will receive
your mail and packages and forward them to your location. Our receptionist
will answer your calls and patch them to your office. You may receive messages
in your voice mailbox with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week worldwide access. We
also provide our clients a fax telephone number to correspond with customers.
Our U.S. headquarters is fully equipped with furnished private executive
offices, conference rooms and secretarial staff, to make you as productive as
possible. As your exporting business increases, we can warehouse your product.
As you recieve orders during the day, simply fax us your order and we will
pick, pack and ship out the same day.
The following are included for a total
of $75.00 per month:
- Corporate Address
- Receptionist
- Telephone Number
- Fax Telephone Number
- Personal Telephone Answering
- Private Voice Mail
- Telephone Call Forwarding
- Access to Private Offices or
- Conference Rooms (2 hours/month)
- Mail Receiving
- Mail Forwarding (Postage + $ 3.00)
- U.S. Mail Permits and Carrier Accounts
- 50 Square Feet of Storage Space
Dean M. Rockwell ORDER # 273 ustrade@buffnet.net
U.S. Address Inc. Olympic Towers, Suite 200 300 Pearl Street
Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: 716-842-3040 Fax: 716-842-4069
Return to the top of this page
U.S. Customs Service - responsibilities include the assessment and
collection of all duties, taxes and fees on imported
merchandise, the enforcement of customs and other related laws, and the
administration of other federal regulations.
John Miller, Kyle DeRoo, Sharon Swiatek
Toys, Measuring and Checking Instruments, Jewely Tel: 716-846-4326
Robert Zolczer, Kim Chrzanowski, Brian McKenzie
Steel Tel: 716-846-4331
Kathy Hallborg, Terry Bailey, Gina Miconi
Footwear, Textiles, Rugs Tel: 716-846-4335
Gil Brunetti, Nancy MacCallum, Liz Schmelzinger
Metals, Ores Tel: 716-846-4326
James Neubert, Cindy Tedesco, Jeanne Walsh
Wearing Apparel Tel: 716-846-4324
Robert Rugnetta, Erica Neubauer
Food, Alcohol, Tobacco & Live Animals Tel: 716-846-4322
John Grandits, Dan Berger, Mark Wisniewski
Machinery Tel: 716-846-4332
Ronald Strozyk, Anne Filion, Frank Rizzo
Rubber, Plastics, China, Glassware Tel: 716-846-4321
Gary Bolt, Carolyn Beaulieu, Joe Fischer
Bearings, Valves, Agricultural Machinery Tel: 716-846-4365
Philip Michalak, Mike McGarvey
Chemicals, Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical Drugs Tel: 716-846-4327
Robert Kreuzer, Carol Maher, Scott Ward
Transportation Vehicles Tel: 716-846-4336
Ralph Perri, Joanne Dane, Steve Friedland, Gretchen Putzman
Furniture, Paper, Art Tel: 716-846-4334
Robert Juszkiewicz, Bill Currie, Ann Marie Paul, Maureen Ray
Computers Tel: 716-846-4326
James McCarthy, Maryalice Nowak, Edward Redmond
Electronics Tel: 716-846-4325
Return to the top of this page
Warehousing- Firms that develop a significant United States market
may discover that it is more cost effective and efficient to establish public
warehousing in the United States. Public warehousing can reduce transportation
costs, brokerage fees and provide same-day turnaround of U.S. orders.
Dean Rockwell ORDER # 274
ustrade@buffnet.net President
U.S. Address Inc. Olympic Towers, Suite 200 300 Pearl Street
Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: 716-842-3040 Fax: 716-842-4069
Patrick Whalen ORDER # 275
ustrade@buffnet.net President
Fulfillment Services Inc. 908 Niagara Falls Boulevard North
Tonawanda, NY 14120 Tel: 800-288-5329 Fax: 716-692-2856
Joseph DeMark ORDER # 276 ustrade@buffnet.net
Director of Sales & Marketing
Allied Frozen Storage Inc. 2501 Broadway Cheektowaga, NY
14227 Tel: 716-637-8373 Fax: 716-637-8373
Return to the top of this page
Call: 1-800-U.S. TRADE Fax: 1-800-842-4575 Internet Address:ustrade@buffnet.net
7 DAYS A WEEK / 24 HOURS A DAY -- Simply indicate the
ORDER (ustrade@buffnet.net) # listed
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