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About This Site - Canada to U.S. Business Immigration
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This service is for these organizations:
- Canadian companies doing business in the U.S., and
- U.S. companies hiring Canadians.
This information is for these people:
- human resource managers,
- project managers
- relocation managers,
- executive recruiters and
- Canadian transferees.
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Use this information to get the right person, to the right place, at the
right time. Here's how:
- Companies use human resources efficiently by assigning people
internationally without border restrictions.
- Manufacturers use NAFTA immigration to eliminate duplication and
consolidate operations.
- Human resource managers fill job openings quicker by drawing from a huge
North American pool of applicants.
- Canadians find better jobs quicker by sending resumes to U.S. employers.
Our goal is:
- complete coverage of U.S. immigration issues concerning Canadians.
- related non-immigration topics for Canada to U.S. employee transfers.
This site does not contain comprehensive information on general immigration
issues; other Web sites already contain that information.
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- Sacrifice bells and whistles for speed and content. Use simple and
small graphics to speed accessibility for 14.4 kbs modems. (25% of our
readers turn off the in-line graphics anyway.) No frames for now.
- Stick to our knitting. Tightly focused content to avoid
replicating Internet materials on other sites.
- Updates only when necessary---not for their own sake. Update
- Once or more per month
- When new materials become available
- When immigration law or practice changes
- The lawyer as Webmaster. The person working with the law, works
with the Web.
- Simple organization. Two hierarchical levels:
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© 1996 Law Office of Joseph C. Grasmick, Business Immigration
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Cyclorama Building
369 Franklin Street Suite 300
Buffalo, New York 14202-1725 U.S.A.
Voice: 716.842.3100
Fax: 716.842.3105
This Internet Web page is http://www.grasmick.com/about.htm