The Immigration Lawyer for
Since 1979
FAQ Part I-Frequently Asked Questions: Canada to U.S.
Immigration for Businesses and Professionals
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 Joseph C. Grasmick
1. What is this FAQ all about?
Here are questions and answers about U.S. immigration---just for Canadians.
The information is Canadian-specific. (Immigration is very different for
citizens of other countries.)
These are actual questions from
private E-mail questions to
my office. I enjoy maintaining this FAQ since it
mirrors my law practice. (If you intend to use my services feel free to make an
inquiry. See information about our office and our
fees FAQ to help you make this decision.)
Information on this FAQ is not found elsewhere. This is because most
visitors to the U.S. are not Canadian. Most immigration
resources do not deal with special issues facing Canadians. For example,
only Canadians can get
L-1 and TN permits
at the border and on the spot. Also, most
immigration law resources are not specifically dedicated to business visas.
You may also wish to refer to
frequently asked questions about legal fees. These
extensive questions deserve their own FAQ on another Web page.
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2. Canadian landed immigrant
and Canadian citizen. Any special privileges?
No. Canadian landed immigrants no longer receive special
Here are special privileges for Canadian citizens:
Canadian citizens only:
Privileges for Canadian Citizens Only
Try the interactive visa selector to find the
quickest and easiest option for your Canadian citizen employee.
Canadian Citzens:
Canadian citizens do
not need a passport visa for most work permits. (A passport visa is a
stamp from the U.S. Consulate.) Canadian Landed Immigrants do need passport
visas for work permits. All employees will still need the appropriate
work permit on form I-94.
Anyone else:
Immigration Opportunities for Everyone Else
- Eligible for most visas, except
- TN for Mexicans also (no expedited border procedures).
- E-1, E-2 only if country of
citizenship has the appropriate treaty with the U.S. (There is a treaty
with Canada.)
- L-1 by mail only. No border
- B-1 for six months, instead of
one year NAFTA maximum. (May be exempt from B-1 passport visa
requirement, if there is a visa waiver program for the country of
Ask us if Canadian citizenship
would make it easier to get a U.S. work permit for your employee. If you
have Canadian landed immigrant staff consult with a
Canadian immigration lawyer. You may be able to expedite Canadian
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3. For a 4-month contract in the
U.S. what type of visa do I need?
ANSWER: In some cases, you may not need a work permit.
B-1 Visitors for Business can do many things in the
U.S. that look like "work". For example, you can come to the
U.S. to install, service and train if the services relate to sales of
Canadian-made software.
There are three different ways to facilitate B-1 status for Canadian
- The "smile and a wave" method. Just state the purpose of your trip when you travel to
the U.S., or
- The "official looking letter" method. Have your Canadian employer prepare a letter stating
the purpose of your trip, or
- Arrange for creation of a form I-94, with B-1 status. You can use
this form for subsequent entries into the U.S. (Canadian citizens do not
have to give up this form when they leave the U.S. for Canada.)
The B-1 is not a work permit. If you do need a work permit, first
try the TN. It's quick. You get it
right at the border. Employers and clients love it,
especially if they're used to going through the time-consuming
H-1 paperwork. I've seen many Canadians go through the
H-1 paperwork unnecessarily.
To get the TN, your profession must be on the NAFTA-TN list of professions.
If your profession is not on the TN list, you may need the H-1 or another permit. For the H-1B you need to
first apply to the labor dept. Then, apply to the INS. You pick up your
I-94 at the border. (Canadians do not need passport visas.)
Once you get into the H-1 and other permits,
costs in time and hassle increase. You may find that the expense isn't worth
the revenues generated by a four month contract. In these case, try to
make the B-1 work.
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4. Is there a minimum number of days an
L-1 holder must stay in the U.S. every year?
ANSWER: Good question. Many people look at the name of the visa, "The
L-1 Intracompany Transferee", and say "It's
not for me. . .I'm not being
transferred to the U.S." They feel it's not for part-time work.
This is a misconception.
The L-1 temporary work permit is very flexible. You can come to the U.S.
part-time or full time.
In fact, as long as you are performing services for the U.S. subsidiary,
you can still be paid through the overseas parent. (Of course, you can
be paid from the U.S. subsidiary, if you'd like. The immigration authorities may find it easier to
deal with, if your salary comes from the U.S. subsidiary.)
Savvy human resource managers use this permit to cut expenses. I have seen
forward-thinking companies:
- assign one experienced Canadian sales rep to
cover a combined contiguous cross-border geographical area. . .instead
of hiring another U.S. rep.
- hire one VP for human resources to manage both
Canadian parent and the U.S. subsidiary
- equip one team of technical service specialists with work permits. The team
can be on call to service either U.S. or Canadian customers.
Once you get your green card on the priority worker transferee category, you
must then intend to work full-time in the U.S. Even then, though,
extensive travel to assist the parent company abroad is allowable. (The
priority worker transferee green card requirements are similar to those of
the L-1.)
Incidently, Canadian tax accountants tell me that this flexibility allows
for some excellent tax planning opportunities for Canadians. . .especially
during the first year of L-1 status. If you need such an expert, refer to
list of international specialists.
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5. Can my spouse work if I'm on a TN or
automatically. You
can change your status to permanent residency, in which case your
spouse would be able to work on his or her green card.
Speed is crucial since green cards take time. If you are on an L-1,
your L-2 spouse can apply for a work permit.
Your spouse could also change from TD (dependent of a TN)
to a temporary working visa. This is the same for L-2 (L-1 dependent), E-4 (E-2
dependent) and H-4 (H-1 dependent) spouses.
The issue of spousal employment is big.
Success in filing vacant jobs often rises or falls on whether a
candidate's spouse can find work in the new location. In the NAFTA agreement, the Working Group's mandate is to
move towards allowing TD's to work, without having to find an employer sponsor.
This is not reality yet. I will let everyone know when (and if)
it happens. See the
News page about how to receive
updates. (This News is geared specifically for Canadians.)
Here are some options:
- Get your green card. The entire family then gets Green Cards and work permission
- The spouse gets his or her own work permit. You already know about
the TN. There are also the H-1 and
other permits .
- Study. TD's can
study. This is a way to productively spend time while waiting for the
green card.
- Volunteer Work
. This is a popular option for our clients. It must not be the type
of work for which people are usually paid. Also, there should be
no indirect form of reimbursement (expense account, provision of a
vehicle, etc.) that the immigration authorities could view as wages. Be sure to check with the Dept.
of Labor to ensure that the volunteer work does not fall under Labor
Department minimum wage requirements.
- TD spouse Lives in U.S. and Commutes to Work in Border Community. If you live in a border
area, the spouse can live in the U.S., while commuting to work to
Canada. This often enables family members to continue to work in Canada
while living in the U.S.
- The TD spouse continues to live and work in Canada. In a number of
cases, the spouse continues to live and work in Canada. The principal
L-1, TN or
H-1 lives and works in the U.S., often splitting his or
her time between the U.S. and foreign homes. It is perfectly
permissible for the employee working in the U.S. to split time in this
way. This, of course, requires spending time apart, but there are quite
a few of our clients who have done this.
Summary: The best solution for most of our clients is the first
option---get the Green Card fast.
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6. Should I renew a TN at the border or by
ANSWER: Either way is fine.
You can extend your TN OR L-1
stay in two ways:
- Appear at the border
- Mail in your extension application
There are advantages to each approach. By comparing the number of entries
on these two lists, you'll see my favorite approach of the two:
Advantages of Renewing By Mail:
- You don't have to make a trip to the border.
You can do everything from the comfort of your home/office.
- You don't have to take your family to the
border. (Remember, your family needs to renew their TD's or L-2's before
they expire, too.)
- With foresight, you can mail well ahead of the
expiration date. You'll get the approval (or a kickback you can respond
to) well before you need it.
- No tough face-to-face questions from an
- Results are more predictable. Immigration Regional
Examiners do nothing but review mailed applications all day. Border
Inspectors wear a variety of hats.
- If there's a problem, you're in the U.S. and
can fix it. You can keep working while your application is pending. If
you're applying at the border, you'll be sitting on the wrong side of
the bridge (or you'll miss your flight) while scrambling for the missing
piece of paper.
- Less stress. Travel can be stressful enough, without having to worry about
an afternoon at the airport or bridge.
Advantages of A Border Application:
- You can wait until the last minute---if your
paperwork is perfect
- No form I-129 or I-539 is necessary. The I-129
mail-in form asks if your employer has ever filed a permanent immigrant
petition on your behalf. This could raise questions about whether you
have the "temporary" intent required for TN status. See the question on
this page about the effect of prior green card filings.
- Some borders and people there have good expertise. See
the Peace Bridge page for an
example of such a place.
- You can get three more L-1 years instead of two years.
This is because it is technically a new three year petition not a two year
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6A. Can I change employers while on a TN?
ANSWER: Yes. You will need approval of another
TN application before you can start work with the
second employer. We can do this for you either at the border---or if you have
enough lead time---by mail. Here are some points that may help:
- "Ten days to get out of town": Once your employment terminates you may only have ten days to
leave the country if you have not applied to change to another
permit. (A safer way is to apply before
the first employment ends.) The B-1/B-2 is a fine interim alternative.
You can stay in the U.S. while the timely filed applications are
pending. You cannot start work for a new employer until the TN is
- How to shed the TN:
To avoid TN amendment applications (and to avoid TN renewals altogether)
allow us to help you and your employer get a Green Card.
- Double dipping is OK: If your two employments overlap, that's
fine. You can have more than one TN at once.
Request a 3-way telephone conference with your employer, if you think
my participation will smooth the transition.
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6B. Must college major match TN job?
ANSWER: Not always.
The technical policy is that your degree must
"closely match" the TN job category. This is one of the highest
reasons for TN denials. Nevertheless, consider the outcome on a sliding scale: the closer the match the better the
chance of success. Here are possible outcomes:
- A clear match
furnishes the least problems. Barring exceptional circumstances you will
get the approval. E.g.: a civil engineer applies for the TN Engineer
- Some relationship
between the major and the TN job title results in a toss-up. The
application could go either way. E.g.: An engineer attempts the Systems
Analyst TN category.
- No relationship produces a low chance of success. Barring
exceptional circumstances an approval will not happen. E.g.: a political
science major tries to become a TN Systems Analyst.
How to Improve Your Chances
When the linkage is weak, here are some strategies:
- Link your job description to the TN category. Make the link a
three way match---not just a two way match. Show how your degree, the TN
category and the potential job description all relate
one to another. If there is an employment experience requirement, link
this experience to the mix.
- Show course concentrations in the academic program. Even though the major is not
related, show substantial coursework in the required subjects.
- Get a credentials evaluation. Show that a course by course
analysis of your transcript yields the required major---even if the diploma does
not state the major.
An immigration lawyer's skills are particularly useful to:
- Assess your chances
of success,
- draft employer's letter of support---showing linkages,
- use knowledge of actual practice at ports of entry by each immigration inspector to maximize chances
of success, and
- obtain a credentials evaluation from an evaluator recognized by the
Consider other immigration strategies if you cannot show linkages:
- Use another TN category that does not require academics. Examples
include the TN Management Consultant and the TN Scientific Technician.
We can discuss this over the telephone to help choose the right slot.
- Use another immigration permit which does not require academics.
Examples include the L-1 and the
Is the H-1 the Answer?
While you should evaluate eligibility for the H-1, the TN better serves most
Canadians. H-1 permits also require specific bachelor's degrees and tight
relationships between the degree and the job.
See the H-1 page for exceptional "work experience
substitute for degree" rules.
Look at this graphic to see if your profession
fits within the O-1, TN and/or the H-1B. Use this
flowchart to decide between the TN and the H-1B.
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7. Can I go from
TN to Green Card status?
It is perfectly legal
to convert a TN to a Green Card. Many Canadians have done this
successfully. A "No" answer to this question is a popular and
harmful misconception.
A related question is "Will my Green Card
application cause trouble when I renew my TN?
ANSWER: Perhaps. TN renewals with a pending green card application
are still possible. They are tricky. You must carefully plan your strategy.
People also ask the question this way:
- Can I go directly from a TN to a Green Card?
- What is the TN to Green Card conversion process?
- Do I need to get an H-1 first?
The regulation for
L-1's and H-1's state what
you need to show if you are renewing your permit and have a permanent
application pending. To be safe, you should be prepared to show the same
things for TN renewal. Register at the Electronic
Newsletter to be automatically advised of new developments.
This dual intent doctrine is in the regulations for L-1 and H-1 permits,
but is not specifically given to TN's. Right now, the immigration authorities generally treat
TN's under the same doctrine. This could change. In fact, there seems
to be a trend towards increased scrutiny of TNs with pending green card
Here is a relevant quote from immigration regulations:
The Service has, traditionally, considered applying for
adjustment of status as relevant evidence in determining whether an alien has
abandoned the requisite nonimmigrant intent. Section 214(b) of the Act does
not, however, require the Service to hold this position as an absolute rule. So
long as the alien clearly intends to comply with the requirements of his or her
nonimmigrant status, the fact that the alien would like to become a permanent
resident, if the law permits this, does not bar the alien's continued holding
of a nonimmigrant status.
Special Advantage to Canadians
Also note that may TN Canadians help their cases by traveling to Canada
frequently. This means that if you are making a trip to Canada before getting
your green card, your entry into the U.S. is "temporary" even
if you have a green card application pending.
Furthermore Canadians do not need a passport visa. They do not need to pass
scrutiny at the U.S. Consulate.
By Mail vs. at the Border
There is no form to fill out for the initial TN visa application. There is
no requirement to disclose any pending green card applications. The Free
Trade Officer would have to ask specific questions or take special efforts
to check the computer. At all but one or two ports of entry they are
not particularly interested in this issue. The TN is the main permit we
handle, and I've only received a handful of comments from an officer
regarding permanent intent since the CFTA and NAFTA.
The inspector will be more likely to ask questions about pending green card
applications the longer you stay on TN status. (Incidently, if you are
asked any questions, always tell the truth.)
If you "renew" your TN at the border, there is no form, but if you
renew by mail there is a form which asks if your employer has filed an
immigrant petition for you.
(See other questions in this FAQ about mail versus
border renewals.)
Practical Pointers
Here are some strategies to minimize intending immigrant problems:
- Have your lawyer show H-1 and L-1 type dual intent:
- employment goals fit within the time period
- the temporary permit is not for principal
purpose of entry in advance of immigrant visa availability
- will transfer abroad if employee doesn't have
permanent status before extension period expires
- prior history of little use of foreign
workers in temporary/permanent status
- no prior use of illegal aliens
- employment bona fide-not an accomodation
- established program for rotation of personnel
- position abroad to use for employee when
temporary U.S. assignment ends
- employee not stockholder. If stockholder,
show a record of international entrepreneurship
- employee has history of maintaining correct
U.S. immigration status
- beneficiary's history of employment status,
especially prior employment overseas
- employee could reasonably continue career
outside of U.S. after period requested ends
- emphasize "temporary" elements in the TN job duties with a finite
completion date
- Get your green card before you have to renew your TN. Many readers delay
green card applications fearing TN renewals will be jeopardized.
the longer the wait, the greater the danger. Have your employer
contact us to begin
the process.
- Set up a job with a temporary mission to
complete on TN status. Set up another prospective job description for
your permanent residency application.
- Maintain a residence in Canada. See the question in this FAQ about
returning green card residents. That question gives you ideas for links you can
show to Canada (That question shows links to the U.S. for green card holders.
Just reverse the links--- show them for Canada).
- Outsource scheduling and documenting your applications to a business
immigration lawyer.
Many good immigration lawyers will not handle a "TN direct to green
card" case. Many NAFTA experienced lawyers will. Each approach is valid.
You should rely on the professional judgement of your retained attorney.
Your attorney will take into account the risks and benefits of
each approach. These risks can be immigration risks. An example of an
immigration risk is the chance immigration authorities will deny your TN extension application.
The risks can also be professional or business. For example, will
employment last long enough for you to go through a TN, then an H-1 and then a
green card application? Will you have to start at "square one" with a
new employer caused by the extra H-1 processing time?
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8. Is there a future for a TN visa holder?
ANSWER: There is no top limit on the number of years a person can
be on temporary TN status. Nevertheless, I expect
that some day INS will say "no more renewals. . .after all, this is
a temporary visa." Review current
developments regularly for any news on this.
Go for your green card if you're going to be in the U.S. for a while.
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9. I'm going to get my TN visa soon? How
long should I wait before applying for my Green Card?
ANSWER: You can apply for permanent residence whenever you like.
Because of long processing times, you should start assembling the paperwork
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10. How can I change from an L-1B to a
Green Card?
ANSWER: If you acquired your L-1 based
on specialized knowledge (an L-1B), I would consult with a lawyer
to see if you can avoid an individual labor certification. Normally people
who use the "specialized knowledge" category cannot qualify,
but there may be a way to do it depending on your facts.
People on L-1A's (managers and executives) can, on the other hand,
easily switch to permanent residency through the priority worker green
card category.
You can get this green card at the "speed of light." (Note that
the speed of light measured by government paperwork standards, is not quite
the same as the actual speed of light!)
These green cards have two additional requirements not present in L-1 rules:
- you must be a manager or executive (specialized
knowledge is not enough), and
- the U.S. subsidiary must be doing business for at least a year (new
start-up companies do not qualify).
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11. Can I use the National Interest Waiver to
avoid an individual Labor Certification for my Green Card?
ANSWER: The National
Interest Waiver (and other "super" Green Care categories) is a nice way to get out from
under the infamous labor certification.
If you have a Master's degree look into this. Even if you only have a
Bachelor's degree, substantial employment experience can substitute for the
missing academics.
What does
national interest mean?
There are no clear rules.
This is both good and bad. It's good, because you and your lawyer have a
good deal of latitude in showing that you fit into the category. It's bad,
because you don't get a clear advance picture of where you stand.
Here's some new information that may help. This
is official information from immigration's Northern Service Center:
To qualify for an exemption from the requirement of a job offer, and thus of
a labor certification, you must submit Form ETA-750B, "Statement of
Qualification of Alien" in duplicate and evidence to support your
claim that such exemption would be in the national interest.
Factors that may be considered in determining national interest include but
are not limited to improving the U.S. economy, improving health care,
improving education and training programs, creating employment opportunities,
improving wages and working conditions, improving the environment,
improving cultural awareness and diversity through artistic endeavors, and
significant scientific contributions.
The evidence should establish the significance of the program or activity in
which you are engaged and the significance of your participation in the
program or activity. What consequences would occur of you were unable to
begin or continue your participation in the activity? What have you
already accomplished in the field? How would your participation in the
program or activity have a greater impact than others in the field? You
may submit letters from recognized national experts in the field
explaining how your participation would benefit the national interest.
If there is an interested U.S. government agency, submit a letter from an
official of that agency.
There are no official guidelines for national interest waivers. We have
copies of several previous AAU decisions and often refer to them for
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12. Can I keep my Green Card while
working abroad?
ANSWER: Yes. Simple prevention usually works.
Who Needs
This Information
ask this question. Here are common examples of at-risk Canadians:
- Green card holders, working for a
U.S. company, transferred to a foreign division.
- Executives laid off by restructuring who are returning
to Canada to work.
- Employees of multi-national organizations, who are needed back in Canada.
These job situations are common as our economy becomes
internationalized. In addition, with post 9/11 scrutiny,
immigration is simply catching more residence-abandoning people who
slipped through in the past. Border enforcement payroll is
exponentially larger now. There are now in-country checks, exit
controls and passport requirements.
I have heard these actual
- "Immigration asked our
manager to surrender his U.S. green card which he has held
for four years. What should we do?"
- "I have Canadian citizenship and a Green
Card. Do I have to go back to the U.S. within the year? Jobs
are not available right now and we
have jobs in Canada."
- "I am Canadian, married to an American. I
have had a permanent resident card for three years. I am
interested in U.S. citizenship. Can I apply and then move to
Canada? My husband is interviewing with a Canadian business but we
would like to keep the 'moving back to the U.S. option' open."
Simple Steps to Prevent
You should not have a problem, if you take
some advance steps. Here are a few:
The Law
Incidentally, the law on snatched green
cards is this: as
long as you continuously intend to keep your
green card, the immigration authorities cannot lift it. The above factors only
create beneficial presumptions as to your intent.
How I Can
Here are ways I
can help you or your employees:
- Get Returning Resident Permit. We
can apply for a Re-entry Permit---the "White Passport". This impressive looking document
puts presumptions of resident intent in your favor. It is extremely
difficult for immigration to seize your green card when you have this
- Prepare backup paperwork to have on hand
for green card confiscation contingencies. I can show
you how to keep immigration from impounding your green card.
The goal is to create a situation that shows your continuing intent to
keep your residence in the U.S., in spite of your absence. You and
your sponsors worked hard for your card. You and your family may
need it someday. For most folks it is now harder to get the green
card the second time around. At the same time, it is remarkably
easy to preserve your residence in advance
of border problems.
- Get dual citizenship. For many people, dual citizenship is the
prescribed remedy. Citizenship is the
crown jewel of the immigration world. U.S.
citizens can reside anywhere. Denaturalization is almost
impossible. You will never be asked to "give up" your U.S.
citizenship in a process similar to the I-407. If you have a
green card, please keep my U.S. citizenship page marked as one of
your browser's Favorites.
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13. Can someone hold dual U.S.A. and
Canada citizenship?
ANSWER: Yes. See our U.S. citizenship page.
Return to the top of this page Answers 14-20 (Mechanics)
are on Part II of this FAQ.