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Grasmick's Cross-border Employment Links: Canada to U.S.
Business Immigration
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Sites That Cite Our Site 6. Our Clients 7. Webmasters:
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I am sharing the best Internet links for Canada/U.S. cross-border
immigration research. I use these links in my own legal research. (To save
legal research time, most of our materials are now on CD-ROM services or
internet links.)
Many readers find this page an entry point for international Internet
business resources. It has become a virtual business library for North American
employment specialists.
Also see my Rolodex®. This popular
directory lists leading Canada/U.S. business experts.
I invite you to bookmark this page. You will have ready reference to rich,
focused and accessible North American business information.
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Here are the best books about immigration as it affects Canadians working in
the U.S. Full-time professionals in this area should own all of these. Others
should select the title(s) that best match their needs:
- Grasmick's TN Handbook for
Canadians: How to Work in the U.S. Under NAFTA, 2nd Edition
- The only book focusing on the TN permit. Contains
exhaustive information about that visa only. Presents legal information in
plain English. Printable e-book only. By Joseph C. Grasmick. 581 pages.
- Canada-U.S. Business Immigration Handbook
- Broad information about all areas of immigration. Paper
only (looseleaf binder with updates.) By Ben Trister. 700+ pages. $200.
- Immigration
Practice & Procedure Under the North American Free Trade Agreement
- Written by and for lawyers. Smaller than the two
Handbooks listed above. This paperback focuses on selected issues pertaining
to various NAFTA visas for Canadians and Mexicans. Paper only. By Janet H.
Cheetham, editor. 320 pages. $77.00.
- Understanding Immigration Under NAFTA
- Written by and for lawyers. Smaller than the two
Handbooks listed above. This paperback focuses on selected issues pertaining
to various NAFTA visas for Canadians and Mexicans. Paper only. Published in
1994, it is the oldest of the volumes on this list. By Federal Publications,
the company that also produces the venerable immigration law periodical, Interpreter
Release. $49.95.
- Grasmick's Directory:
NAFTA-Enabled Immigration Ports of Entry
- An annotated directory of contact information for 235
ports of entry. E-book only. By Joseph C. Grasmick. 102 pages. $69.00, no
charge to owners of TN Handbook.
- Taking a Job South of the
49th: The FAQs and More
- This CD-ROM is about practical, rather than legal issues
concerning a move from Canada to the U.S. It is also useful for immigration
professionals in order to see the process from the client's perspective. The
discussion is not limited to immigration. By Linda Deck. 350 pages. $29.95
printable e-book, $24.95 CD-ROM.
Joseph C.
Grasmick is the author of two of these titles, and the owner of this web site.
The Law Office may or may not receive remuneration for items purchased via these
links. |
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These lists are a valuable cross-border reference source. You can draw on
the collective wisdom of hundreds of Webmasters.
Webmasters of these sites believe a link to our site adds value for their
readers. You should therefore also find valuable information on these
other sites.
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My clients have included cross-border international business leaders. These
are employers with proven acumen in effectively using international personnel.
I am proud to have contributed to their success. They are the preeminent North
American representatives of their respective industries. I invite readers to
consider these companies as a first source for business products and services:
Attention past and present clients:
please advise if you have a
Website. We will include it on this list as a courtesy.
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Webmasters: we invite you to review our site. Should you decide to link to
us, your action will be reported automatically. To expedite, add the URL
within which the link appears to
and HotBot.
I always enjoy hearing from you,
but you do not have to notify me. The mutual link is automatic.
For your convenience, here is hypertext to cut and paste into your page.
Feel free to modify to better serve your readers:
<DL><DT><A HREF="http://www.grasmick.com"><I><B>Canada
to U.S. Business Immigration, Home Page</B></I></A></DT><DD>A
comprehensive site containing information about U.S. immigration for
Canadian Businesses and Professionals. Also contains related
non-immigration information for: 1) U.S. companies hiring Canadians, 2)
Canadian companies sending people to the States, and 3) Canadians working
South of the Border. By Buffalo NY lawyer, Joseph C. Grasmick.</DD></DL>
This is how your readers will view this hypertext:
- Canada to U.S. Business
Immigration, Home Page
- A comprehensive site containing information about U.S. immigration for
Canadian Businesses and Professionals. Also contains related non-immigration
information for: 1) U.S. companies hiring Canadians, 2) Canadian companies
sending people to the States, and 3) Canadians working South of the Border. By
Buffalo NY lawyer, Joseph C. Grasmick.
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Law Office of Joseph C. Grasmick, Business
Olympic Towers 300 Pearl Street Suite 200 Buffalo, New
York 14202 USA Tel: 716/842-3100 Fax: 416/352-5115
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