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in 1979
The Definitive HR Checklist- Moving Workers from Canada to the U.S.A.
- Introduction to this Web Page
- Introduction: Canada to U.S. Transfers
- Orchestrating the Move
- Short Human Resources Checklist
- Detailed Checklist: All Human Resource Issues
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Even with NAFTA, human resource managers face a
multitude of unique issues when transferring employees from Canada to the U.S.
This page provides three massive checklists containing all of these issues.
Law Office of Joseph C. Grasmick is prepared to assist
HR managers with U.S. immigration permits. Nevertheless there are other
related employment issues to handle. Although we do not represent clients in
these areas, we share this information with our readers.
For a list of other professionals who can handle items on these checklists
see Joseph Grasmick's Rolodex® or the
U.S. Trade Directory. For help locating the right
experts, we invite you to seek our
recommendation. For detailed information on HR U.S. immigration issues, see
the links on the home page.
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Irrespective of whether the transfer to the U.S.A. is short term or
permanent, the issues are often complex --- and solutions not quick or easy.
Having said that, this page shows you how you can plan to make transfers
effective, cost-efficient and with least hassle to you (the employer), and for
the transferee.
As in any major project, good planning --- in advance --- is the key.
Similarities and Differences
Canada and the U.S.A. are neighbors and normally good ones - except if we
are talking about a special tariff on shingles or beer, or a Stanley Cup
series between the Maple Leafs and the Pittsburgh Penguins!
We share a common border, love of the outdoors,
BBQ's, common language (well, almost), currency called a dollar, and both
countries have education and personal taxes!
You will see that in these similarities, the differences are already
emerging --- and major ones at that!
The dollar relationship tends to be up and down like a a yo-yo --- although
for the last few years the yo-yo doesn't seem to have had much elasticity
and has resulted in the Canadian dollar usually sinking --- from 87 cents
(U.S.), to 70 cents, before recently creeping up from the floor to 73
cents (U.S.)
This raises a major issue in determining how and where the transferee should
be paid. Other compensation and benefit elements which must be addressed
- health (and dependent) care coverage;
- life, disability, and other insurances;
- pension, saving plan participation.
Likewise, decisions are also required on important life-style elements such
- schooling for children;
- spousal employment;
- accommodation (in both countries);
- cultural, church, sport, clubs and other leisure activities.
Having got your attention - and perhaps raised your concern as to how to
cope with all these issues and elements, now, let's try to put these matters
into a logical, cohesive plan.
Masterminding The Move-Major Functions
We've already said good planning is the key.
Whether you decide to handle the move inside your company, or to outsource
and use a third party provider, someone must mastermind the move and
have overall responsibility for its implementation (we avoided the word "execution"
as that might be what happens if the move is not well planned!)
As the quarterback orchestrates strategy for the football team, so the
quarterback in cross border transfers, orchestrates and masterminds the
totality of the move --- of course working in concert with you, the employer.
In the past, most of the transfers were initiated by large Canadian
companies who usually had their in-house HR Department to plan and coordinate
such moves.
Now this seems to be changing in a number of ways:
- Small and medium size companies have been forced to enter the international
arena to survive and prosper - particularly with the Free Trade Agreement;
- Large companies have continued to decentralize and downsize; their in-house
HR capabilities have consequently dwindled, been fragmented or
dismantled --- or in smaller companies, simply did not exist.
- Outsourcing to third party providers seems to be the "in-thing."
It is critical that the third party provider has excellent access to the
key executive/manager of the Canadian company. Even with telephones, faxes,
E-mail, etc., there is no substitute for periodic face to face meetings,
often required at short notice. Such services located in Buffalo,
"The Gateway or Bridge to the U.S.A.," are
therefore strategically placed to best handle transfers --- with quick
travel to southern Ontario or Toronto within an hour (peak traffic
downtown excepted!). While knowledge and experience of
U.S. Immigration and employment arrangements are
essential requirements to handle transfers, so is a thorough appreciation
of similar arrangements in Canada. Having personally worked and lived in
Toronto for 10 years until transfer to the U.S.A. four years ago provides
this background; as does having orchestrated the move of a large corporate
office from Canada to the U.S.A. at that time.
Whether the quarterback is someone in your company, or a third party
provider, the role is very similar.
This role is indispensable and should be one person within the company -
or a company representative, plus one person in the third party provider.
This approach (the quarterback appointment) is the most important step in
the whole process towards ensuring that the transferee has a "smooth
move" with:
- a known, individual person to refer to for all aspects, particularly
- assurance of all elements being coordinated in a timely manner;
- and in Canadian Institute terms, a transfer that is accomplished "quickly
and painlessly." Note: They may have used a little "poetic
license" here!
You will normally only be transferring your best employees in their
respective areas of skill whether they be executives, managers or
professionals. They must be able to expect equal "best" treatment
from you (the employer) otherwise you will risk losing these key people.
This starts with career planning---which some say is obsolete in the world
as it is today --- but don't you believe that. Be open and honest with
the transferee.
Give specific details of the terms of the transfer, if possible, or as a
minimum, guidance as to the approximate period, plus tasks/objectives to be
completed prior to return to Canada. Identification of the likely next
career appointment likewise is of paramount importance to the transferee.
This may not always be clear, but some form of undertaking is key to a
successful move.
Masterminding The Move-The Detail
After a decision has been made as to the length/type of transfer we are then
in a position to start designing all the transfer elements.
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Quarterback-Masterminds the Whole Move
Compensation and Benefit Design
Tax and Financial Counseling
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Reasons For Assignment
Category of assignment can make significant differences to elements in
transfer arrangements and their size/level!
- Executive management
- President, C.E.O., senior executive of U.S. company
- Start-up, joint venture, acquisition
- Management development
- Broaden experience for future career promotion
- Technical support/knowledge
- Support or install technical/professional programs; train local employees.
Assignment Term
Different elements and/or practices applicable to each term
- Short term
- Extended term
- Expatriate term
- International transfer (permanent).
Career Planning
- Next appointment/re-entry plan
- Working spouse
- Base salary
- Annual (bonus) incentive
- Long term incentive
- Housing and/or cost of living allowance
- Retained housing allowance
- Mobility premium
- Tax equalization
- Pension and Savings Plans
- Deferred compensation
- Health, life, disability insurance
- Flexible Spending Account
- Vacation/holidays
- Dependent care
- Social Security
- Automobile/allowance
- Club(s)
- Financial counseling, tax planning/preparation
- Annual medical examination
- Fitness facility/health club
- Computers/fax
- Home security
- Car telephone
- Look-see visits
- Accommodation
- Canada/U.S.A.
- Retain house; rent/sell/leave vacant
- Buy/rent in U.S.A.
- Transportation personal/household effects
- Legal and realtor fees
- Incidental expenses/allowance
- Dependent care
- Education
- Working spouse (See the FAQ re: immigration for
working spouses
- Government documentation---Work/residence approvals
- Home leave/compassionate leave/travel, etc.
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I. Personal and Career Lifestyles
- Career
- Reason for transfer and term?
- Where next? Give assurances; must have plan.
- Monitor performance
- Communications
- Develop on-going communications program; keep in touch!
- Family
- Housing
- Rent, sell or leave vacant
- Type of accommodation in U.S.A., rent/buy?
- Lifestyle
- Decisions in Canada and U.S.A. regarding clubs, sport, committees, church,
cultural, clubs and other leisure activities.
- Security
- Increased job/career concern?
- Personal security concerns?
II. Compensation
- Cash compensation
- How much pay? U.S. or Canadian dollar basis?
- How/where paid? U.S. and/or Canada?
- Recognize higher costs - housing/cost of living?
- Base salary
- Same or higher (to recognize additional responsibilities)?
- Related to competitive salaries in U.S.A. or Canada?
- Annual bonus
- Based on Cdn. or U.S. company plan (or split)?
- Which salary basis - U.S. or Cdn. company?
- Long term incentive
- Eligible same as in Canada, or
- More/less grants (or special grant as part of transfer arrangements)?
- Mobility premium
- To motivate to transfer? How much?
- Recognize disruption, etc?
- Housing allowance or loan
- Recognize higher cost of living?
- Cost of living allowance/differential
- Recognize higher cost of living?
- Retained housing allowance
- Incentive to retain home in Canada.
- Contributions to mortgage, maintenance, utilities, etc;
- In lieu sell/repurchase.
- Education
- Pay for boarding school (or additional living expenses) for children
remaining in Canada, or higher fees in U.S.A.
- Tax equalization
- Need determine company practice; reimburse all additional personal taxes?
- Very careful tax planning essential to:
- avoid excess taxes
- take advantage of dual tax treaty Canada/U.S.A.
- determine "residency" for tax purposes
- Currency exchange
- If some/all compensation paid in Canadian dollars, adjust amount for rate
III. Pensions and Benefits
- Pension plans
- Retain in Canadian plan(s) or enroll in U.S. plan(s)?
- How to resolve integration of plan benefits if in U.S. plan(s)?
- If salary paid in U.S.A., is participation in U.S. plan mandatory?
- Registered or unregistered plans (or in U.S.A., qualified or unqualified
- Integrate U.S. plan benefits with Canadian plan or "stack"?
- Challenge of integration if mix of defined benefit and defined contribution
plans Canada/U.S.A.
- Health coverage
- Enroll transferee and DEPENDENTS in U.S. health plan?
- Role of OHIP?
- Life, Accident, Disability insurance
- Retain in Canadian plans?
- Vacation/holidays
- Same as in Canada, or only eligible for U.S. holidays
- Social Security
- Retain in Canadian social security though reciprocal agreement
- Dependent Care
- May become more complicated/expensive
- Resolve how/where provided
IV. Perquisites
- Automobile(s)/allowance
- Provide car(s) or allowance?
- Watch tax implications and licensing.
- Club(s)
- Provide club(s) in U.S.A. in addition to Canada?
- Financial counseling, tax planning/preparation Critical element for both
employee or company.
- Need mastermind Canadian and U.S. company and personal
taxes before, during and after transfer.
- Continue/expand service
- Develop compensation, benefit, perquisite, relocation arrangements to be as
tax effective as possible consistent with company practices.
- May mean creative "structuring".
- Other Perquisites
- Determine whether other plans can/should continue in Canada or U.S.A.
V. Relocation
- Mastermind and coordinate all aspects as detailed in checklist - refer
Appendix 4.
VI. Company Administration
- Determine which elements will be handled from internal and/or external
sources; select provider(s).
- Recognize administration complexities and factor-in accordingly. No scope
for "amateur" administrators!
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