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Grasmick's TN Handbook for Canadians---Information

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I just bought the book. As I read through it, I am kicking
myself for not having done so earlier. I could have saved myself a ton of grief
and worry. This thing is authoritative and well-written. Thanks Joe. ---Dennis
I urge everyone out there to buy the book. . .. The second
try is nervewracking to say the least. ---Matt McDonald
I accepted a job with a company named "Company A"
and the TN-1 letter refers to the company by name of "Company A". The
same week that I accepted the job with "Company A", they were bought
out by "Company B". I have since bought Grasmick's TN Handbook
for Canadians (which I highly recommend to everybody and wish that I
would have bought it prior to coming to the US!) It does give a
scenario where a company is bought out. ---Brigitte Fenton
The TN Handbook for Canadians is a simple PDF download. To
purchase it, use the link at the top of this page.
Canadians and Americans visiting each others' countries scarcely realize
there is a border. It is one of the world's least restricted large international
boundaries. It rarely takes more than "a smile and a wave" to
successfully pass through the border inspection.
What a contrast when the welcome mat is suddenly lifted! Canadians who wish
to work in the U.S. are astounded to discover they can no longer come to the
U.S. at all. The U.S. is highly protective of its labor market. This is true
even when the workers come from the U.S.'s neighbor, friend, and closest ally.
Fortunately, the CFTA (Canada Free Trade Agreement) and its successor, NAFTA
(North American Free Trade Agreement), give Canadians coveted immigration
privileges. An essential part of NAFTA is the reciprocal removal of each
country's labor market protections. Nevertheless, one must work for this
privilege. This 580-page book shows you how.
The crown jewel of these expanded immigration privileges is the TN (Trade NAFTA)
work permit. The number of Canadians using the TN has exploded. The level can
reach to 80,000 new TN entries per year. This book is for:
- Canadians working in the U.S.,
- U.S. companies wishing to hire a Canadian,
- Canadian companies sending workers to the U.S.
Growing groups of
specialized professionals in the U.S. provide valuable services to these
Canadian businesses and professionals. This book should be required reading for:
- recruiters
- lawyers, outside and in-house
- accountants
- HR professionals
- hiring managers
- employee contractors
I am publishing this as an e-book to give readers these advantages:
- Quality. This format facilitates dissemination of
quality material. You simply cannot find reliable and detailed free legal analysis
on the Internet. PDF format provides financial incentive for authors to
devote the required resources. This technology protects the hard-earned
intellectual property. The e-book format permits abundant charts, tables
and color photographs. It also allows
quick and easy updates.
- Convenience. Print only pages you really need to
carry. You do not need to store and carry a hefty volume. Keep the entire
reference work on your hard drive. Or, print the entire book if you prefer.
The 8 1/2" by 11" format fits into standard 3-ring binders.
(Download and print color
Word cover art to put in your binder's clear display sleeves.) Adjust
type size and screen brightness while reading on your own screen. There is
no expiration date. Materials are accessible on your hard drive
forever. You will own the Handbook outright. The leading electronic
versions of immigration legal materials "lock you out" after a certain
period--requiring reinstalation after $800-1000 annual payments.
- Speed. When the editor finished with my manuscript, the
fresh content was ready. Paper books take 1-2 years before you
can buy them! In this fast-changing area, paper books are immediately obsolete.
Also, there is no shipping time. You can download the book
immediately once your transaction has cleared. (This can take at least 24
hours.) You need no special hardware -- only
the free Adobe
Reader plug-in, which you probably already have. Speed is important --
rarely can people wait for time-sensitive TN information. Usually you will
need the information on short notice to take a job, or get an employee on board.
A survey of some available immigration books show shipping times from 3-5 weeks, to "out of print"! (There
exists no book exclusively about TNs.)
- Digital advantages. You can fill out INS forms right
on your screen. The forms are in PDF format with form-filler tools. You
can then print out the forms to send directly to the INS. Perhaps the most
helpful feature is search by keyword. Full-text search is crucial.
Without it, it is hard to find relevant information within a complex topic.
These features may vary, depending on your computer's limitations.
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 Joseph C. Grasmick
Joe Grasmick is a national authority on U.S. immigration for Canadian
business. He is the author of 10 editions of the leading treatise on the
subject, the Canada-U.S. Business Immigration Handbook. The Handbook is
published by Carswell--the largest law book publisher in Canada. He is also the
pioneering author of the leading website on the topic. The site, Canada to U.S. Business Immigration, started March
1995. It serves over one million hits per month.
Mr. Grasmick has been a practicing lawyer for thirty years. He is a
founding member of American Immigration Lawyers Association-Upstate NY Chapter
and has served as AILA's liaison to the NAFTA Working Group. He has devoted
his professional life to business immigration. His practice is now limited to
U.S. immigration for Canadian businesses and professionals. Admitted to
practice in both NY and Florida, Martindale-Hubbel gives him an "AV"
rating. This is the highest possible rating for a lawyer
Joe graduated cum laude from the SUNY at Buffalo law school. At
the same time he served as Senior Law Review editor and earned his Master's
degree in Anthropology. His international expertise developed during many
years of overseas experience. This included work as a Fulbright scholar, Peace
Corps Volunteer, Ford Foundation Intern, OAS fellow and Interamerican Foundation
research fellow. He served assignments with the International Labor
Organization, Survival International, the Anti-Slavery Society and United
Nations/ECOSOC Commission on Human Rights Subcommission on Prevention of
Discrimination and Protection of Minorities.
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At the time I was on an H-1B and moving towards a Green
Card, so I read it for curiosity and interest only. When I was forced to get a
TN last June, the Handbook proved invaluable in reviewing my
documentation and giving me strategy and advice. I strongly recommend anyone in
the US on a TN, or planning to do so, to get the book. It is well worth it.
---Luke Kolkin
I have just purchased and downloaded your Handbook!
Incredibly enlightening and a cornucopia of information.
---Grant Scully
Here are Highlights from the Table of Contents from
TN Handbook for Canadians---How to Work in the U.S. Under NAFTA.
The TN Handbook focuses only on the NAFTA TN
permit. I include a considerable amount of material that cannot fit on this
site. I expand familiar website topics. I also add extensive materials under
additional topics.
CANADIANS -- How to Work in the U.S. Under NAFTA
2nd Edition
Highlights from the Table of Contents
Introduction. Get Instant Work Permission at the Border.
Chapter 1-Can I get a TN? Does My Job Qualify?
- Grasmick's TN List
- What if my college major is different than the
TN job title?
- How serious is the INS about the requirements?
- What if my program was for three, not four,
years? What if I did not complete the program?
- I did not even go
to college. Now what?
- Work Experience -- Must it be after I finished
my studies?
- Do I Need a Professional License?
- Accountant
- Physical Therapist
- Pharmacist Intern
- Lawyers
Chapter 2-How Can I Get Hired? Job hunting strategies.
- Will the border guard let me in for job
- What do I tell employers?
- Break the vicious cycle: no permit without a job offer
ß à no job offer without
a permit
- Finding a savvy recruiter
Chapter 3-What Else Should I Know Before I Take the Job?
- HR Checklist
- Social Security
- Income Tax
Chapter 4-Do I even Need a TN? The B-1 visitor alternative.
- What if I am still being paid from Canada? B-1 requirements
Chapter 5-Should I Use Another Visa? Other permits.
- Pros and Cons of TN Status
- The "usual suspects" -- other business visas
for Canadians
- Complete List
- H-1 vs. TN
Chapter 6-What if I Am Not a Canadian Citizen?
- Canadian Citizens, Landed Immigrants and
Everyone Else.
- Non-Canadian spouses and children
Chapter 7-Do I Need a Lawyer?
- There are lawyers -- and there are lawyers.
Know the different service levels.
- Do I need a lawyer?
- Do I need a local lawyer?
Chapter 8-Where do I Go to Get the Permit? Class A Ports of Entry.
- The unique TN animal: only available at the
- Do I have to bring my entire family to the border?
- Common law spouses, life partners and other dependents
- Airports vs. land ports
- Can I choose any port I like?
- Can I get an approval in advance?
- Can I get an approval before I present myself
at the port of entry?
- Can I get an approval at the port of entry before I am ready to move to
the U.S. to work?
- Why to avoid the Mexico/U.S. border
Chapter 9-What Paperwork Do I Need?
- Importance of full, accurate documentation
- Two TN checklists
Chapter 10-IT Professions
- Computer Systems Analysts.
- Scientific Electronics
- IT Management Consultants.
- Technical Publications Writer:
- Graphic Designer:
Chapter 11-The "Tricky" TNs.
- A bulletproof application. My "management
consultant trio" technique.
- Scientific Technicians -- No Academics
- "Supporting an engineer -- hand in glove or
just helping?
- Hidden Opportunities: Technical Publications
Writer, Economist, Accountant, Social Worker, and Medical Lab
Technologist (the Weighty Footnote).
- Sales jobs.
- Managers. TN professions vs. managing the profession
- Example #1-Engineering Manager
- Example #2-Business Manager
- J-1 Exchange Visitors and the TN.
- Self-employed and contracted.
- Health Care Workers
- The New Health Care Hurdle
- Physicians (Medical Doctors)
Chapter 12-NAFTA Lawyers' Secrets.
- Do not use round hole with your square peg
- Avoid "bridge hopping". Get it right the first
- Second bit of apple may be your last
- Timing is everything. Get the TN ahead of time.
- Avoid buff and puff in your paperwork.
- Prepare your submission like a court brief.
- Call ahead and make an appointment
- Catch a flight with your lawyer. . .
- . . .but know port policy before inviting your
- Coordinate your arrival at the land border with
your lawyer
- Network
- Be informed via the Border Hot List
- Look Like the Upstanding Citizen you are
- Get an INSPASS if you will be frequently flying
- High salary cures many evils
- Psychoanalyze the INS
Chapter 13-How Long Can I Stay? Duration and time limits.
Chapter 14-Can my spouse and kids work too? Alternatives for working
Chapter 15-What Are My Obligations Once I Get the TN?
- How to Travel on a TN. The I-94 Tug of War.
- Can I work in the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico,
Samoa. . .?
- Speed through the lines with INSPASS.
- You can study on the TN.
- INS can turn you away even if you are approved. Keep facts in mind. Keep up
with changes in law.
Chapter 16-What If I Change Jobs?
- Timing is everything. Get the new approval before you start work.
- You may have 10 days to leave town
- Overstays face 3-10 year ban
- Terminated and with new employer.
- How to give two weeks' notice
- Double dipping -- can I have two employers and two TNs at the same time?
- Terminated with no new employer yet -- interim
visitor status.
- Other job changes. Do I need to amend the TN?
- Switch to another company within the group
- Moves to new geographic location, promotions
and changed job descriptions
- Company bought out
Chapter 17-How to Renew
- Renewals are not automatic. INS often denies
- Mail vs. POE applications.
- Can I travel to Canada with a pending mail
- Changing status from one work permit to
- "Widow and orphan" renewals -- when your family
cannot go with you to the border.
- Renewing or revalidating TD passport visas.
- TN Renewal Checklist
Chapter 18-After the TN -- What Then? The Transition to a Green Card.
- How the green card benefits the TN family and
- Can I Change to a Green Card from a TN? All about "dual intent".
- Any Problems Using and Renewing TN in the
- Do I Need an Interim H-1?
- The Best Strategy
- Why a TD Passport Visa Changes Everything
Chapter 19-When Something Goes Wrong
- Grasmick's Glossary of Dirty Border Words and
- What if I am denied?
- Barred! Not even trips to Disneyland.
- Mail "kickbacks"
- Undesirables.
- List of Cross-border experts
- INS Forms
- G-28
- I-9
- I-102
- I-129
- I-539
- I-823
- OF-156
- SS-5
- Sample TN letters and Supporting Documents
- Company supporting letter, engineering
- Attorney Cover Letter, Management Consultant
- Company Supporting Letter, Management
- Letters from Prior Employers, Management
- "Supernumerary Chart", Management Consultant
- Company Support Letter, Technical
Publications Writer/Biologist
- Consulting Agreement, Management Consultant
- Company Supporting Letter, Scientific
- Renewal by Mail: Attorney Cover Letter, Company Supporting Letter,
Consulting Agreement, I-129 (filled out); Management Consultant, PR profession
- Sample NSC Processing Time Report.
- Sample INS "Kickbacks" -- RFEs
- Request for Evidence (RFE), Management
- Request for Evidence, Scientific Technician
- INS TN-enabled ports of entry and Nebraska Service Center Addresses and
Contact Information
- Poll Results: Selected Ports of Entry
- Detailed Contact Information For Selected
Ports- Northern Ports and PFIs in Canada
- Detailed Contact Information For Selected
Ports- Southern Ports
- Complete Summary List of Class "A" Ports,
International Airports and PFIs
- Nebraska Service Center Contact Information
- NAFTA immigration text.
- NAFTA Regulations
- Inspector's Field Manual
- INS TC Operations Instructions
- Dictionary of Occupational Titles selected job descriptions
- Accountant
- Analysts
- Biologist
- Consultant
- Designers
- Economist
- Engineers
- Lawyer
- Mathematician
- Social Worker
- Medical Technologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Pharmacist
- Technicians
- Technical Publications Writer
- Vocational Counselor
- INS TN Advisory opinion, Cables, Memoranda, Guidelines
- Independent Contractors Can Get TN Permits
- TN Physicians Can Perform Incidental Patient
- TNs Can Apply for Green Cards
- Strikebreaker Provisions
- Health Care Workers-Interim Guidelines
- INS Guidelines, Processing Under the NAFTA,
October 29, 1999
- INS Cable on NAFTA Implementation-February
14, 1994- NAFTA Related Passport Visas
- INS Cable on NAFTA Implementation-August 15,
1994- NAFTA shall not apply to Guam.
- INS Cable on NAFTA Implementation-December
30, 1993- New NAFTA Replaces CFTA
- State Department Cables-December 1993- Visa
Provisions Under NAFTA
- INS Form M-316 (Handout)- The North American Free Trade Agreement
- Glossary of immigration terms.
- Grasmick's Wish List of Potential New TN Professions
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Canada-U.S. Business
Immigration Handbook
(11th Edition)
C. Grasmick
I had been the author of the Canada-U.S. Business Immigration Handbook
(blue cover) for almost 10 years. It was a paper book. This book covered more
topics that does the
TN Handbook. These topics include a variety of work permits--not just
the TN.
I have phased out my involvement with this book, to focus on the TN
Handbook. Nevertheless,
there are still many references to it throughout this
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