
in 1979
Grasmick's TN List »Easy
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TN-1 NAFTA Home Page: A U.S. Immigration Permit Only For
Canadians http://www.grasmick.com/nafta.htm)
Unless noted otherwise, the following professionals qualify
for TN-1 status if they have a baccalaureate degree or a licenciatura degree in
their professions:
- Accountant (baccalaureate, CPA, CA, CGA, or CMA)
- Actuary (Subcategory of
Mathematician, below. Must be in a U.S., Canadian
or Mexican professional actuarial association or society.)
- Agriculturist/Agronomist
- Animal breeder
- Animal Scientist
- Apiculturist
- Architect (baccalaureate or
state/provincial license. Also see Landscape Architect,
- Astronomer
- Biochemist
- Biologist (Includes Plant Pathologist,
- Chemist
- Computer
systems analyst Must have:
- baccalaureate or
- post secondary diploma *and three years'
- Dairy Scientist
- Dentist (DDS, DMD,
or state/provincial license)
- Dietician (baccalaureate or state/provincial license)
- Disaster Relief Insurance Claims
Adjuster Must have:
- baccalaureate or 3 years' experience in claims
adjustment, and
- completed training in appropriate areas of
insurance adjustment pertaining to disaster relief claims
- Economist
- Engineer (baccalaureate or
state/provincial license)
- Entomologist
- Epidemiologist
- Forester (baccalaureate or
state/provincial license) (Also see Sylviculturist, below)
- Geneticist
- Geochemist
- Geographer
- Geologist
- Geophysicist
- Graphic Designer Must have:
- baccalaureate or
- post secondary diploma *and three years'
- Horticulturist
- Hotel Manager Must have:
- baccalaureate in hotel/restaurant management
- post secondary diploma * in hotel/restaurant
management and three years' experience in hotel restaurant
- Industrial Designer Must have:
- baccalaureate or
- post secondary diploma *and three years
- Interior Designer Must have:
- baccalaureate or
- post secondary diploma *and three years'
- Land Surveyor (baccalaureate or
state/provincial/federal license)
- Landscaping Architect
- Lawyer (member of state/provincial bar,
or LLB, JD, LLL, or BCL)
- Librarian (MLS, or BLS. BLS must be one
for which another baccalaureate degree was a pre-requisite)
- Management Consultant Must have:
- baccalaureate or
- five years' experience in consulting or
related field.
- Mathematician (Includes
Actuary, above.)
- Medical Technologist/Medical Lab
Technologist (Canada)/ Must have:
- baccalaureate or
- post secondary diploma *and three years'
(U.S. job must be in a
laboratory to perform chemical, biological, hematological,
immunologic, microscopic, or bacteriological tests, and analyses
for diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease)
- Meteorologist
- Nurse, Registered
(must have state/provincial license)
- Nutritionist
- Occupational Therapist (baccalaureate or
state/provincial license)
- Oceanographer
- Pharmacist (baccalaureate or state/provincial license)
- Pharmacologist
- Physician (teaching
and/or research only, MD or state/provincial license)
- Physicist
- Physio/Physical Therapist (baccalaureate
or state/provincial license)
- Plant Breeder
- Plant Pathologist
(Subcategory of Biologist,
- Poultry Scientist
- Psychologist (must have state/provincial
license. Cannot qualify with just baccalaureate degree)
- Range Manager/Range
- Recreational Therapist
- Research Assistant (baccalaureate and
U.S. job in a post-secondary educational institute)
- Social Worker
- Soil Scientist
- Statistician
- Sylviculturist/Forestry Specialist (also
see Forester, above)
- Teacher (baccalaureate degree: must be
coming to work for a college, seminary or university only); no
secondary or elementary school teaching.
- Technician or Technologist,
Scientific. (E.g.: Electronic engineering technician.)
- work in direct support of professionals in one
of these disciplines:
- biology
- chemistry
- engineering
- forestry
- geology
- geophysics
- meteorology
- physics
- possess theoretical knowledge of discipline,
- solve practical problems in discipline, or
apply principles of the discipline to basic or applied research
- Urban Planner
- Veterinarian (DVM, DMV, or
state/provincial license)
- Vocational Counselor
- Writer, Technical Publications
(Technical Publications Writer) Must have:
- baccalaureate or
- post secondary diploma *and three years'
- Zoologist
* A post secondary diploma (or certificate) is a
credential from an accredited academic institution in Canada, Mexico or
the U.S. showing completion of two or more years of post-secondary
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