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Grasmick's U.S. Business Immigration News for Canadians-1997 Archives, July-Sept.
More Paperwork for Canadians?(September 25, 1997) According to the Globe and Mail a new law would require Canadians to file formal entry and exit documents for travel to the United States. All Canadians, including Green Carded residents and tourists would have to register at the border and log departures as early as next September. By 1999, all Canadians travelling to the United States would have to apply for "smart cards" encoded with hand-print and passport information. This will not happen. There is tremendous opposition to this little known provision in the law. It would bring border towns to their knees. Here is the Globe and Mail article: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/docs/news/19970917/GlobeFront/UVISAN.html
Law Office News(September 25, 1997) New List of Representative Clients.We are proud to have contributed to the success of Canadian and American businesses. Fine websites of past and present clients are linked on our representative client list. Attention past and present clients: please advise if you have a Website. We will include it on this list as a courtesy. New Toronto Fax and Voice Mail.We now have a new Toronto fax and voice mail service: 416.352.5115. This service immediately sends your faxes and voice mail messages to my e-mail inbox via the Jfax service. Data is immediately accessible and integrated into our paperless office system. This service supplements our traditional telephone and fax numbers:
Meaghen (Hoang) GaneyPatrick and Meaghen Ganey have been blessed by the birth of a daughter, Madeline Anh Ganey. Many of you will remember Meaghen (then, Meaghen Hoang). Meaghen was a lawyer in our office who helped many of you achieve L-1, TN and Green Card status. Meaghen relocated to Minneapolis after her marriage. Congratulations Meaghen!
Treasure Trove for Dual Citizens(September 25, 1997) American Citizens Abroad (ACA) is a non-profit association dedicated to serving and defending the interests of US citizens world-wide. ACA's biweekly News Update network offers news and views relevant to Americans living abroad. Here are sample topics:
Thousands of Canadians are also U.S. Citizens and may profit from this information. Remember. . .dual citizens are also "American expatriates"! Also review U.S. Citizenship For Canadians at this site. American Citizens Abroad
New Lottery---Most Canadians Left Out(September 25, 1997) The 1998 visa lottery will only help a few readers This is because most people born in Canada do not qualify. The purpose of the visa lottery is to increase immigration from countries that do not send as many people to the U.S. For years, Canada has immigrated too many people to qualify Nevertheless, some readers should pay attention: Even if you were born in an ineligible country there are two exceptions: Exception #1: You can use the country of your spouse's birth, orException #2: You can use the country of one of your parent's birth if at the time of your birth: 1) neither parent was born in the ineligible country, and 2) neither parent resided in the ineligible country.Unless you fall under one of these exceptions you do not qualify if you were born in:
The application period will begin on October 24, 1997. It will end on November 24, 1997. Complete instructions are in the Canada-U.S. Business Immigration Handbook. Our office handles lottery applications only in tandem with another immigration application. If we are already handling your immigration matter and you qualify, please e-mail or call. If you need legal counsel just for a lottery application I would be happy to refer you to a lawyer.
Health Care Worker Border Confusion(September 25, 1997) The Commission of Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) informed INS that it intends to go into business and issue certificates to Health Care Workers. Some border ports displayed a brochure offering this service for a fee. Confusion resulted. "Not so fast" says the INS:
See other articles in this Newsletter for more information on new requirements for health care professionals.
Economical Legal Fee Alternative(August 1, 1997) Many of you have asked me if I could review your paperwork before your present it to the INS. Our fee structure now includes such an option. Although we recommend full representation, this should provide another option for employers and employees.
INS Running Out of H-1's(August 1, 1997) This year produced an unprecedented demand for H-1B permits. INS predicts they will run out of H-1 permits for their fiscal year. If you do not have your H-1 in hand:
If you are Canadian chances are the TN is better for you anyway. Here is information courtesy of the American Immigration Lawyers Association.
Ask me if you would like to switch to a TN strategy.
Who's Using the "Controversial" H-1?(August 1, 1997) Who is using all of the H-1 numbers? The Buffalo News has just published two articles spanning two pages about the "controversial federal program"---the H-1B. The article provides useful data I have never seen elsewhere. The Controversy?
Veteran immigration lawyer Gerald Seipp (and contributor to this Web Site) is quoted to refute this position: "I think most people realize that our companies need the best and the brightest." Using computer analyses of U.S. Labor Dept. records, the News assembled these interesting statistics:
Although the data is only for Western New York, it may also represent proportional breakdowns in other areas of the country. How does this affect our readers?
If you are an employer contact me to learn about the TN alternative. If you are seeking employment, put me in touch with your employer and use this Website to educate the hiring manager.
New Web Page: Client Satisfaction Survey Results(August 1, 1997)
Are you thinking of using a lawyer to help with your immigration matter? A new page on this site contains client feedback to help you decide. The information includes:
The data relates to areas of cost/benefit, speed, communication and responsiveness. Clients consistently deem these qualities most important in legal representation. Many thanks to those who took the time to response to our questionnaire.
I-9 Employer Sanction Brochure Available(August 1, 1997) I will be happy to send employers a copy of Employer Sanctions and Employment Documentation, Preparation of I-9 form. This is an American Immigration Lawyers Association publication to help employers avoid substantial (US$100 to $10,000) civil penalties. Employers are required to maintain I-9 forms showing all employees are authorized to work in the U.S. There are special twists with Canadian employees. Here are some dangerous assumptions:
I'll also be happy to perform an I-9 audit for your company.
Meet Sarah Debusscher(August 1, 1997) We are pleased to have Sarah Debusscher in our office this summer. Sarah is an intern from the Antwerp Business School in Belgium. Sarah is a licentiate in economics. Her specialty is international relations, finance and IT management. While in our office she will be comparing business immigration in NAFTA with that of the EEC. she will also be observing our "paperless" Internet-based law office.
Canadian Nurses Valuable After H-1 Crackdown(July 8, 1997) The INS Appeals Board (the AAU) has declared that nurses do not qualify for H-1 status. Nurses do qualify for TN status. Since only Canadians qualify for TN status I expect an increased demand for Canadian nurses. Here is selected text from the AAU case:
Health care institutions may now wish to "revisit" job applications on file from Canadians. Here is case citation information for your legal department: "In re X, AAU Decision Dated November 21, 1996, 17 Immig. Rotr. B2-1, WAC 96 103 51481, California Service Center, AAU Designation U".
Do We Need a Lawyer?(July 8, 1997) "Do We Need a Lawyer" is one of the most frequent questions I hear. Readers wonder whether their own HR or legal departments can handle immigration applications. Three sources can help you decide:
Hospitals Can Get H-1 for Respiratory Therapists(July 8, 1997) Our office just received an H-1 approval for a hospital client. The successful beneficiary was a Respiratory Therapist. We pursued this application together with co-counsel from another law firm. As many of you know, my slogan is "If you're Canadian...and on an H-1...you're probably on the wrong visa". Nevertheless, this is an instance where INS has not clearly recognized RT's as "TN medical lab technologists". Incidently, it is my opinion that RT's should qualify for TN status. There are certain laboratory blood tests, for example, that RT's are trained to do. Hospitals currently face shortages when searching for qualified health professionals. Recruiting in both Canada and the U.S. can increase your chance of success. (The FAQ question: 14. Why should we go through the hassle of hiring a Canadian for the job? shows how.) Filling an otherwise vacant position contributes to the economical delivery of health services in the U.S. In this case the Hospital would not have filled the vacancy had the application been denied. For more information about RT's and other health care professionals, search the threads in our forum. This Newsletter also contains information about Health Professions. Send me an e-mail if you have a qualified Canadian candidate for your hard to fill job vacancy. (Attach the applicant's resume if you'd like.)
Employers: Ask Me for INS Factbook(July 8, 1997) I will be happy to send employers a copy of the 1997 INS Factbook. I will do this as a service of our office. (A thank you to the INS Public Affairs office for sending me multiple copies!) The Factbook condenses quantities of useful data into a pocket-size publication. It is a nice, compact resource. Topics include:
The INS could only send me a small supply. I must therefore reserve them for employers who can leverage the information. Send me an e-mail with your name, title, company and address. You can also fax or mail your request to my address on the bottom of this page. I will give them out until I have no more! Individuals can order single copies of this publication from:
Are Employers Afraid of "Temporary" TN's?---Opinion Letter You Can Use(July 8, 1997) Should employers reject Canadian job applicants because "they can only work for a short time on TN status?" Here is an opinion letter on the topic. I produced this "plain English" letter for prospective employers of Canadian TN-1 professionals. Managers can show this letter to their HR department. Job applicants can show it to prospective employers:
For other employment-related questions try the new Employment/Jobs topic at our forum. For questions about converting a TN to a Green Card see the FAQ-Frequently Asked Questions Page.
New INS Memo re: Management Consultants?(July 1, 1997) Here is a message I just received from another lawyer:
I have not yet see this memo or even verified its existence. Keep watching this page and our forum for news. Until then, consider this a rumor. Nevertheless if you have a forthcoming TN management consultant application, advise your lawyer.
Try the Tax and Jobs Forums(July 1, 1997) I'm pleased to announce two new topics on our Canada to U.S. Immigration Forum. Tax and Financial-For discussions about tax and other financial matters concerning Canadian professionals in the U.S. Includes income and estate taxation, social security, health insurance, retirement accounts and other matters affecting your pocketbook. Employment/Jobs-The discussion topic is about U.S. employment issues for Canadians. We welcome Canadian managers sending employees to the U.S. We also welcome U.S. managers hiring Canadians. This topic is also for Canadians working in the U.S. These topics supplement the Immigration topic which now has over 600 messages.Two of our forum regulars---John Chettleburgh and Mark Serbinski---have agreed to administer these topics. Both John and Mark are top North American experts in these areas. We are fortunate they are able to share their time with us. I urge readers to use the topics, and to visit Mark and John's Websites for further information. These topics should be especially useful for managers who hire Canadians. These issues can make or break a successful hire. The growing body of archived messages is now accessible to our search engine. With the "search" button you can tap an extensive body of immigration knowledge. Messages contain not only readers concerns, but the contributions of top North American experts. (Unlike our contributions on Usenet conferences, we can save and use older messages.)
Attention Lawyers: E-mail for Visa Office(July 1, 1997) The State Department released this announcement which we reproduce here. (Courtesy of the American Immigration Lawyers Association):
This information may be useful when preparing E-2 Visa Applications for your clients. (Incidently, I welcome inquiries from lawyers who may need specialized assistance in matters concerning Canadian clients.) As an immigration lawyer and taxpayer I applaud this Visa Office initiative. May it set an example for other government agencies.
Cross-border Cultural Treasure![]() (July 1, 1997) I was pleased to attend the opening of Taming of The Shrew at the Stratford Shakespeare festival, Stratford Ontario. I attended with Mr. Leo Leduc, Senior Trade Commissioner and Consul of the Canadian Consulate in Buffalo. The Stratford Festival is one of the richest cultural activities in Canada. It is accessible to a large cross-border audience. I highly recommend these productions (and specifically this production) to our New York and Ontario readers. Pictured here are Mr. Leduc and myself at Stratford, with selected members of our families.
Hospitals: Some Relief(July 1, 1997) I recently received an e-mail with the subject line "What the Heck is Going on With TN Health Care Workers???" "What the heck" indeed! The new immigration law requires that certain foreign (not just Canadian) health care workers take a licensing examination before getting a work permit. There are several articles about this in our archived news and on the forum. I am receiving more calls from hospital HR managers. These managers find that their Canadian employees are facing difficulties when renewing their TN or H-1 permits. Some wonder whether they should proceed with or delay Green Card applications. (They should proceed.) The INS itself isn't immune to the confusion. Some readers report that they've been asked for medical examinations at the border! The INS office attempts to clarify policy until detailed regulations are promulgated. Here's the latest official memo courtesy of the American Immigration Lawyers Association:
If you are in charge of hiring for a hospital---and you have a Canadian employee---contact me for guidance. By all means do not delay any hiring decision based on this uncertainty...your business need not be jopardized because of this.
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